
You prefer living amongst the prostitutes and the drug-dealers? You have strange tastes, Ryan. =P

I can agree to hate the country life. It never clicked for me. I like the feel of human development.

I'm glad you learned your lesson about stereotyping. Now go to your room. =P

You know, I'm sorry for stereotyping the suburbs. I know better than that. I know of a few families personally who live in the suburbs and aren't very much like my stereotype at all. However, there are many families that fit the stereotype I mentioned perfectly, and they seem to be predominant in the suburbs, and that's the kind I don't like, and that's why I'll never choose to live in the suburbs, and will never like the suburbs (among other reasons). No where will ever be perfect (which is a good thing), so you have to pick what's important to you and pick what place is the best for what you like. I can put up with the people that fill your stereotype of the city (although I don't see a lot of that here in Minneapolis, but I'm sure it's more plentiful in other cities), and so I don't mind living among it.

However, no amount of debating over this will ever get me to like the suburbs, and I'd imagine the same is true for you when it comes to liking the city, so, shall we just agree to hate country life? =P
In all seriousness, I don't think you have the faintest idea what it's like out here in the 'burbs. Of course we have crime, but suburb crime isn't high profile like city crime is. And Ryan, you don't have to be "associated with crime" to be robbed, assaulted, or raped. You're right, cities have been cleaned up, but I think they'll always be worse off in the crime department.

Ryan, you stereotype suburbanites, and that's unfortunate, because I can stereotype, too. You want to talk about the preppy MTV-watching girls, the troubled boys, the dot-com fathers, and the gossipy mothers, I'll talk about the prostitute girls, drug-addict boys, dead-beat dads, and homeless mothers. The city is no golden paradise of idyllic families. But not all city families are as dysfunctional as that, and not all suburbanites are as fucked-up as you seem to think. We're not all preppies, and there's plenty of people with decent jobs. I find it hard to believe that suburbanites are the only MTV addicts. Give them time, Ryan, and I'm sure you'll see plenty of ditzy valley girls pop up. Sure, we've got them here. Sure, they're annoying, but they're like bacteria, they're everywhere.

Oh, and by the way, you may want to start scoping out real estate, because your neighborhood sounds a hell of a lot like my happy little corner of suburbia.
Yes, Jason, you know where I live, but you do NOT know where I live. You know my address, but not what it's like here. Not at all. If I thought my neighborhood was anything at ALL like the suburbs, I'd urge my parents to move. I suppose what I said earlier was misleading. My neighborhood has crime. Oh, most certainly yes. But the suburbs have crime too. And the crime here hasn't bothered me, or anyone I know. In fact, the last person I know of around here who was a victim of a crime lives in *gasp* the suburbs! I'm not sure if things are different in Boston or any other city, but I know here in Minneapolis, things are rather safe. Of course, like all cities, it's not completely safe, but like I said, I don't worry about crime. Probably because you rarely are a victim of crime in the city if you aren't associated with crime in any way.

But, when I said what I said a couple days ago about the suburbs, crime was really the last topic I'd ever mention about the suburbs. I was talking about the way of life. The preppy MTV-watching girls, the troubled boys, the dot-com cubicle father and the grocery store gossiping mother. Most certainly not crime.
*The following comments do not necessarily represent the opinions of a sane, sober individual. Proceed with caution*

You may live in the "Big City", but your section of the city (and never forget, I know where you live...) is more like a suburb than true Big City Life. That's a damn good set-up, and you're a spoiled brat for it. You're too good for the suburbs, Mr. Hot Shot City Boy. Well, I have only two words to say to you: Uck-fay Ou-yay.

Let's kindle the flames of anger, kids! Rant! Rave! Scream curse words at teachers! (*You didn't hear that here.*)

Now we wait and see if I've pissed him off. :-P
"What exactly is bad about having bigger houses? At least I have a backyard out here. Suburbs may have preppies and athletes (lord knows I hate them) but the city has steet gangs. They bust a cap in yo' ass, foo'. We don't get that shit around here. Big cities are fun, hell, I love going into Boston, but I would never, ever want to live there. Ever."

Hah! Not only do I have a backyard, and a rather spacious one at that, but I also have a frontyard! And so does everyone in my neighborhood. Beyond that, my mom has lived in the same neighborhood here in Minneapolis all her life, and has never had a problem with crime. Yes, we lock our doors at night, but I don't worry about crime. Most certainly not. I ride my bike after 7:00 PM.

And that's my rant for the day.
There's nothing wrong with a slutty Britney Spears, and the more naked the better. N'Sync, however, sucks. They suck major ass. There's also nothing wrong with the suburbs. What exactly is bad about having bigger houses? At least I have a backyard out here. Suburbs may have preppies and athletes (lord knows I hate them) but the city has steet gangs. They bust a cap in yo' ass, foo'. We don't get that shit around here. Big cities are fun, hell, I love going into Boston, but I would never, ever want to live there. Ever.

So, I've been playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein recently. It comes highly recommended, if only for the sheer pleasure of blowing some Nazi brains out with a sniper rifle. Ah, I love killing Nazis...you feel no remorse. The zombies is RtCW are just creepy, however. They burst out of the walls and the floors and fall from the ceiling and try to eat my brains. Plus, they're a hell of a lot harder to kill than the puny Nazis. The only good thing is they're just as apt to masticate some Nazi cerebrum. Yes, even 1000 year old rotten corpses enjoy killing Nazis.

You can all go back to your porn, you sick perverts, I'm all done here.


I utterly disagree with Keith's post there. Sla. Abortion isn't my favorite topic.

No, I dropped by today to talk about Chili's commercials. Chili's now has 'N Sync (or Satan multiplyed by five and given a record deal) doing commercials. And I thought having a slutty Britney Spears dancing around a Pepsi bottling plant was bad! It doesn't get worse than 'N Sync on an island of some sort singing about Baby Back Ribs.

Sla. That went no where. But I have nothing today. Try again tomorrow.


Hello. I'm Keith Hi Keith, and I have a problem Well that's the first step. Admitting the problem. My problem
is with abortion. Well, don't we all have a problem with it? No, not everyone does, yet they should. That's what
I'm here to talk about today. Today happens to be the 29th aniversary of the Roe VS Wade case. The case that legalized
abortion. Why is it legalized? It's murder. Just because it isn't out of the womb yet, doesn't mean that it isn't killing.
You never know what that baby could/could have turned out to be. It could be the next Einstein, the next Da Vincii, the next
George W. Bush. Wait, that baby might deserve to be hurt. :P Just kidding. The baby is innocent. It hasn't done anything to
deserve to be killed.Well, what about rape? That's what adoption centers are for. If you think you can't take care of
the child, then you should atleast let it be given to those people who can.Abortion is murder, no matter how you think of it.
Well, it's the woman's body, you should let her do what she wants with it. But the body INSIDE her is not. If she can
kill an innocent baby, then I'll kill a guilty person. What? It's not legal? Why not? Because it's an adult? Oh that's bullshit.

That's where I'll leave you for today. I might put a little commentary on Cop Killers, mainly Mumia Abu Jamal, that son of a
Oooh. People like my site. I guess. Because I just got another person to come and post things like our friend Jason will be doing (or else!). Please welcome Keith. Unlike Jason, I don't think he's a person, but please welcome him all the same!!
Day two of the website, and I actually have something entertaining to say today (well, entertainment is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Just read it.).

So I had the day off of school today. One of those "Let's say it's a staff day, but then just sit on our bums and do nothing, getting a pay check, and letting the kids have fun" days. My mom, trying to be nice, took the day off of work. I appreciate the gesture, but it would have been a lot more fun with her at work. My sister had fun. She got to do what she loves: Go shopping. It was hell for me. Hell. Shopping isn't THAT bad when I have money. I'm broke. It was hell. And we didn't even go to a good mall (as if there were such a thing). Oh, no, we went straight into the heart of Suburbia. I am a city boy, through and through. I hate the suburbs, with their preppy girls and their athletic/troubled boys. Big homes, SUVs, father going off to the city every day working in a cubicle doing whatever odd job he does for some dot com company or whatever, mother cleaning and going grocery shopping at huge Cub Foods stores with doctors offices built in. I hate the suburbs. I hate every time I go into the suburbs, and it puts me in a horrible mood when I come out. I will NEVER live in the suburbs.

Anyways, the majority of the day was spent looking at girls clothes, because our group was predominately female (my mom and sister and me). Stores like: Hot Topic, Claires, Vanity Do-Hicky, Regurgitated Crap ...

I hate it. I've never seen so much glitter, so much false patriotism, so much stuff for girls to waste their money on. Oh. And they only waste their money on it because they're programmed to.

There's lots of problems in this world, and I know I can't change many of them, but then I sure as hell can complain about them. I'm sure I'll complain about the suburbs for a long time to come.


Swiss Seek to Stop Bin Laden Label

Okay. Look ... Binladin, in a post-September 11th world, no one will buy Binladin boxer shorts. The Swiss can let him keep his Trademark if they want, or they can take it away. It doesn't matter. No one will buy it. That's all for now. Maybe I'll say more later.
Changed the template. Jason didn't agree with the template. I tried editing a different one, and realized that I have no idea how to do anything related to making my own templates. So, I'll use the one that Jason hates. 'Cause I like it. Besides, I bet once Jason gets used to it, he'll like it more and more. Or something.
Hello, all of you out there in Internet land. This is Jason, the aforementioned "person". It's nice to see I've finally gotten that promotion up from "sub-human life form". While this is quite the opportunity for me to rant and rave and generally be seventy times more incomprehensible than Ryan, I don't think it's quite the best thing since slice bread. That award must go to Free Internet Porn. Can I say that, or do we have to keep this "PG"?

Well, maybe I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Jason. You knew that already, but consider it a public service announcement for those of you with short-term memory problems. All other information is Classified. If I told you, I'd have to kill you, and that would make us both very, very sad.

Well, good-bye for now. Unfortunately for you, I'll be back soon.
So I showed this page to all my friends. Some said "Oh, that's cool." Others shunned it off. One person, however, seemed to enjoy it. Or something. Anyways, I suggested to him that he could post things from time to time on my site, and he thought that was the best idea since sliced bread. Or something. So, I suppose he's joining the team now. Jason should drop by from time to time to say stuff. Or something.
I know I said I was going to bed. But, as you definitly know if you're my parents (which you're not, thankfully), "now", in my terms, means sometime in the next hour or so.


I just found that hilarious, and undeniably true. So many artists crawl up inside a bottle, or, perhaps, had some alcohol while writing their songs. Ironicly, right now Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tamborine Man" is playing randomly from my MP3 playlist. I swear, Dylan was either on drugs or drunk when he wrote this.
Okay, so I lied. I lied for good reason though. I lied so that I could make this page look better. In the Internet, there is no time. Just because I go to bed doesn't mean that millions of people (optimism) who read the page later will recognize that, even if I say I went to bed. It's just one stream of words, and other than the time posted at the bottom of each one of these, the only element of time here are the days displayed above these posts. So rather than go to bed and then post this later today, pretending it's tomorrow, I'll just post it today and not post anything when I wake up. Or maybe I will. I don't know.

Anyways, I came back to talk about Martin Luther King, Jr. He's a great man. That's pretty obvious to most of us. However, with today being Martin Luther King, Jr. day, millions of kids across America get a day off of school. And how many know why, or, to word it better, remember why? It's safe to say that most every child enrolled in a school knows about Martin Luther King, Jr. They know what he brought to America, why he was important. And at one time, they no doubt learned why they have Martin Luther King, Jr. day off of school. However, there's no guarentee that they remember what they learned on Martin Luther King, Jr. day. No, most kids run off and play, thinking this day is just one of those days where the schools decide they need some time off. People say there's problems with America's youth, and while they're definitly right when they stay vauge like that, when they try to diagnose just what these problems are, they tend to be horribly wrong. Sorry, but adults cannot figure out this tangled mess most of my peers have gotten themselves into. The problem with America's youth is that they don't know what they're doing. I know. I've been there. I damn TV for it. Of course, to contradict that statement, I watched earlier today. The Simpsons (which I've come to find is the ONLY acceptable TV show to watch now), The Chamber and an old repeat of Greed on Game Show Network. Everything but The Simpsons was mindless. I seem to remind myself of that whenever I watch a TV show. Basically, I think children are stupid. Stupid, and easily brainwashed. Should I ever turn evil, I think the way to brainwash all the children into my evil plan to take over the world is through TV. Get some fuzzy character with a machine gun who can kill a huge monster to hand out subliminal messages. And then worry it'd be cancelled by some other show just like it in six months.

If all that sounded drunken or stupid, it's because I'm tired. Or am a child. I need some sleep to help me decide.
Last post of the night. I promise. Actually, I don't, because I know if I promise that, I'll just go off and post one more. However, if I don't promise, I know I'll just go to bed. Ironic, no?

Anyways, I just changed some settings around. Changed the date and time settings so that they'd look like every other site on the web, yet far from American. I love America, I don't love how they deal with basic things like dates and time. I also changed it to this style because my watch is screwed up and I don't know how to fix it.
Just looked at my site. Realized it looks like something you'd find at MTV.com. I hate MTV. I love that template. Man, my life is confusing.
So. It's come to here. Just a few hours after signing up at a horrible site for this kind of thing, I abandon it after stumbling upon this. One thing's for sure: This place is just plain better than that other one. You may notice that I haven't mentioned this place yet. It's not that I don't like promoting other places, but, like many others, I don't promote things I don't like. It's like Britney Spears asking for Cokes on the set of her Pepsi commercial. And I don't like Britney Spears, no matter how huge her breasts are. Sorry, Britney, but your cup size means nothing to me if your brain size is the size of a pea.

Wow. I'm doing better here than I did at the other place already: I've said something interesting in my first post. Rather revolutionary, if I do say so myself.

Over at that other site I said I didn't like introducing myself if no one will read it. While I'm sure no one will read this at first, I'm sure someone will in due time. But, come to think of it, I still don't like introducing myself. You'll get the hang of my thoughts sooner or later.

It's two in the morning. I'm tired as all hell. I need some sleep. I'll talk more to the people who aren't here yet but hopefully will be soon tomorrow. I need sleep now. Contrary to what my parents think, 13-year old boys who are addicted to their computer need sleep too. Really.