
[Music| Green Day - Time Of Your Life]

Perhaps the most emotional day of my life.

For what it was worth, it was worth all the while. Today I graduated from 8th grade.

Already I can see the people whining that there shouldn't be an 8th grade graduation; it means nothing. They're wrong, as was proved to me many times today. It's quite possible that my 8th grade graduation will be far better than high school or college. Because it marks the beginning. It marks an end, yes; you have no idea how much I'll miss my school. I felt at peace there. It was my home away from home, and I was lucky enough to go there every day for eight years. And while there were some bad moments, I had the time of my life. But it marks a very big beginning. I have the rest of my life to live. From these basic building blocks, I build up with what I want. Much like a house; every house needs a foundation, but you can choose the features from there on up (and, of course, some features cost more than others). It marked the beginning of my life.

The thought that I won't see some of my best friends ever again, however, is quite scary. For years we were together; now, we go our seperate ways. It's scary enough thinking that I'll be without some friends from the lower grades for a few years until they come up and probably go to my high school.

At the ceremony, people cried. And even I was so overcome when I entered the room that I shed a tear or two. It was tears of sadness and fear, but also of excitedness and pure joy. It was a truly amazing thing. Perhaps what sticks in my mind the most is that I won't be taught by the wonderful group of teachers. Shaking their hands, saying one final goodbye, it was hard. No one knew who to thank; I owe the teachers so much, yet they're congradulating me.

From here on out, it's all really unpredictable, but in the end it'll be right. At Marcy Open, I had the time of my life.