
[Music| Billy Joel - Piano Man]

I may have just helped set a world record. It's an amazing feeling, thinking that you may have just helped set a little chunk of history. And I had so much fun doing it, which is what world record breaking should be about.

The Heights Theater in Columbia Heights, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis (but it's really much like Northeast Minneapolis), is attempting to break the world record for movie watching (50 hours, 55 minutes). 27 movies, all classics in their own right, varying from Jaws to The Birds to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to Rebal Without A Cause to Mrs. Doubtfire, and so many more, and it all ends tomorrow afternoon with Casablanca.

With the Heights Theater being so very close to my home, we decided we couldn't pass this oppertunity to be history. We caught "2010" (however, they were running an hour early, so we only saw about half of it) and "Raiders of the Lost Arc". Both movies were great, and the theater was magnificent (it's a historic theater, built in the 1920s, recently renovated to look as it did in the 1920s). Better still, it was only five bucks to see as many movies as you wanted, and free popcorn and refills on soda!! Hooray! Better yet, they don't mind one bit if you bring in snacks from home! Huzzah! This is how a movie theater should be! Of course, the free popcorn is only for this event, however, the free refills and the policy on snacks from home stay the same no matter what they're doing. Huzzah!

Of course, we're not sure if they'll break the record. If something goes wrong, they could be out of it. I'll keep you all updated.
[Music| Will Jacobs - Crackers And Wine]

If the site ever gets big and lasts for at least two years, I'm making a Music From A Place To Call My Own CD. After all, the Late Show with David Letterman has a CD of music from their show. If it works for them, it would only have to work better for me.

More stats. Because I'm in a mood to slouch over my monitor, consistantly copying and pasting and typing and talking. And slouch over stats. Because it's 2:26 AM and no one is on AIM to talk to.

First: My favorite graph, the time zone graph. Central and Eastern are tied for most visitors. Oh, what a battle. It'll probably end up the equivalent of the over-hyped US vs. Canada Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Game.

But, what's this? Why, I now have my first visitor from a location that is definitly not from the United States! Hoo-ray! Hello, person viewing my site from Brazil or Greenland!

And I'll assume the one Pacific Time Zone visitor is from California, so hello to my one friend in California.

According to the language tracker, the one person from Greenland or Brazil speaks English, along with the 10 other visitors. Well then.

The OS battle is a very boring one for me, since I don't care much about what's deep down inside of my computer as long as it works (which it hasn't been, but sla). But, since I like to assume that there are others reading this site, and that those others actually do care about what precentage of people use Windows 98 as opposed to Windows Millennium Edition who visit my site:

Windows 98: 83.33%
Windows ME: 16.67%

Roadrunner leads the domain tracking chart, but all 33.33% is probably me. Mediaone.net is in second with a quarter of the pie. After that comes assorted domains with assorted colors of the pie, all tied with 8.33%

Bad news for Netscape: No one who's visited my site has used Netscape. *Watches Netscape stock plummet as I announce that VERY piviotal stat to the world*

I love sarcasm.

The stat gods at sitemeter.com have predicted that I'll get, based on the average number of hits per day, 60 visitors per month. Oh. Wow. Okay.

Looking at the list of where you people came from, apparently the first out-of-US visitor is from Brazil. I'll bet five bucks that it's Osama bin Laden.

In the off chance that my social studies teacher is visiting the site, I certainly hope you got that last joke.

Five people came here through Blogger. Well then. Good to know there's people other than me who just click on the most recently updated blogs.

I'm done boring you now. Check back later, when I wake up from a long slumber. Perhaps I'll have thought of something good and entertaining to write by then.


Just saw a commercial for Mystic Lake Casino. All the Minnesotan visitors (if there are any to speak of) have seen these. At Mystic Lake Casino, there are lights on the roof of the building that all point up and inward, making a "light pyramid". Of course, Mystic Lake, like all casinos in Minnesota, is on an Indian Reservation. Yeah, nothing like reminding the people going to the casino that they're on an Indian Reservation than a giant light teepee.
Checking out the visitors to this site and ... Holy crap! 10 visitors! As the theme song goes, I'm moving on up!

Interesting stats:

Five of the 10 come from the Eastern Time Zone, while four come from Central (in which I am in, by the way), and just one comes from the Pacific. I'm still yet to get a visitor out of the United States (although I'm just assuming none of those visitors are from Canada or Mexico or one of those South American countries.).

100% of the visitors speak English (which would make sense with just one glance at my site).

And ... Uhh ... The page stopped working. Damn. Oh well.

Been thinking of something to do like I said in my most recent update. What I'll probably end up doing is listening to my numorous MP3s in order, rather than random play like I normally do. When you have over 840 MP3s and somewhere around 50 hours of music, that's not such an easy task. We'll see.


[Music| Kenny Loggins with Jim Messina - Danny's Song]

People smile and tell me I'm a lucky one. Actually, they don't. I just couldn't think of anything to start this update with. So I revert to my music, and the opening lyric to the song that's playing. It worked, didn't it? Of course it did.

Blogging is a facinating culture. Quite an odd one at that. I'm glad to have joined it, although I think I may be an odd-man-out. Not like I haven't been one all my life. But in the morning, when I rise, it brings a tear of joy to my eyes.

Not really, of course. Just more lyrics. Got caught up in the song.

I think what I should do to make this site sucsessful is to do some sort of project with which I can advertize the site. Like watching MTV for 24 hours straight. Something stupid yet intellectual like that. I'll look into it.
[Music| Joan Jett and The Blackhearts - Bad Reputation]

Just letting you all know I get a fill of punk. And that I don't give a damn about my bad reputation. I'm never gonna care about my bad reputation. Oh no (no no no no no no). Not me (me me me me me me).

Or something.

Been checking out other's blogs. They all seem to suck. Not just saying that to be mean (I'm trying to save my reputation here! Oh, the irony!), but they do. Perhaps I'll manage to stumble upon something good. Maybe.
[Music| Jimmy Eat World - She's Perfect]

I was going to talk about the girl I like. I've reconsidered, just in case anyone from school happens to stumble upon this page and stays long enough to read it (yeah right). Perhaps, should I ever date her, I'll reveal her first name. Not yet. But if you talk to me, you should know it already, so it doesn't really matter.

But. I have something else to talk about that fits the above song well. The link: http://www.firehotquotes.com/

Girls are confusing, odd, and hard to understand. As are most people, regardless of their gender, however, most girls don't use these three characteristics to their benefit. Or something. What I'm trying to get at is that 9 out of 10 girls like the Boy Band of the Month, and seem to give no attention to their education or future. This site caters specificly to this demographic, with providing "witty", "genius" quotes from assorted sources for pubecent girls to use in their MSN Messenger names. I know this from observing my sister and her friends use the Microsoft-made program (which says something in itself), including quotes from the Mary Tyler Moore show, to speak nothing of their conversations (talking about both the abbriviations for everything and the meaningless-by-next-week transcript).

What kind of quotes does this site have, you ask? Well, lets look at a few examples, shall we?

"Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?" Be sure to note the short-hand variation of "because" and that it's needlessly capitolized, as well as the short-hand version of "your". Of course, in the target demographic of this site, this is as close to deep thought and philosophy as it gets. I believe I've seen my sister with this one more than once.

"No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry." Confusious say one who thinks hard uses this quote here little!

"Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!" ... Of course, in my studies, I've seen that broken hearts among pubecent girls tend to fix within the hour, while skinned knees can last for days.

"Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again." Are you sure that's the same voice? Lesse ... Hanson, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, NSync, O-Town ... Oh wait. That's right. They're all the same. Nevermind.

And I'm sure you get the idea. Girls, ah, they are such odd things.


Just noticed something while seeing the actual sports segment (what I saw earlier was just a preview). They were covering the T-Wolves/Lakers game (I like the Wolves almost as much as I do the Twins), and they showed Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura (I've typed those four words three times today, a personal record!) watching the game. I immediately thought of the headline story of late last week, where the Minnesota legislators couldn't find James Janos -- errr ... -- Jesse Ventura to give him the new budget bill to sign after looking at the Capitol, the Governors Mansion and his house in Maplewood. He actually was at his house, but the guards had told the legislators that he wasn't there. He later said he didn't know why they said that he wasn't home ... He was just watching "some TV". Cute, Jesse. Very cute.

Anyway, I immediately thought of that: Hey! Legislators! Next time Jesse is playing a game of Cat-And-Mouse, watch the Wolves game! He'll be there!!

Speaking of our beloved governor, his time in office is running out. Oh, dear, it seems like just yesterday when he appeared on "The Late Show with David Letterman", fresh off a surprizing victory, making comments about the St. Paul Street/Drunken Irish Streetlayer connection. I just realized this when I saw the first of the *Blankedy Blank Blank* for Governor commercials (name removed because he doesn't mention his party affiliation at all). And in case you're reading this Jesse (as opposed to running/at a Timberwolves game/watching TV, thinking about how cute you are, but not in those exact words, of course), run for President. You'll have a better chance. Won't win Minnesota, might get some of the other states. Because, as the Who song goes, "we won't be fooled again".
[Watching| The News]
[Wishing| I were listening to The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da]

Ob-la-di. Ob-la-da.

Note the lack in enthusiasm. No, I'm not sad. I've had a hell of a day. From learning that I was accepted to the high school of my choice to reading about the first game of Spring Training for the Twins and the 13-0 win against Cincinnati. Hell of a day. Haven't had this good of a day for a while. Ah, but The News always gets me down. Not the newspaper, not news websites, not even CNN, but The News. It's all bad news. Budget fights, shootings, kidnappings and the national stories.

What part of the news can bring me back? Why, the sports, of course. Yes, they just rolled the most inspiring thing they can for me. Hilights of today's Twins game. If there is any one anti-depressant that works the best for me, it would have to be baseball.

And it all feels so good. Just the thought that, for at least one more season, Christian Guzman can speed around those bases, that Torii Hunter can rob some lonely hitter of a wall-scraper home run, that Doug Mientkiewicz can S-T-R-E-T-C-H!! out and get to the ball before the batter can get to the base, it's refreshing. Bud Selig (who is NOT my Bud, as my T-Shirt so diligently states) has lost.

I knew he'd lose. He had to lose after September 11th. Remember folks: Don't contract, or the terrorists will win!!


[Music| The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da]

*Sings* Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life goes on, yeah! La la la la life goes on!

Haven't posted for a month. Ob-La-Di.
Haven't done much for a month. Ob-La-Da.
Haven't had much time for a month. Life goes on.

I'm back now though. Really. No more letting the site sit and rot. Oh no no no. The show must go on. Or something.

But. Changes will be made. I started this site with a certain idea for what it should be, and let it slip. It turned from a Personal Journal-esque blog into a debating and topic-related blog. This probably started when I invited others to post here. Thus, the others are fired. The place to call my own is once again my own and nothing more. Perhaps I'll start a topic-related blog later, since I do like talking about topics. And, of course, I won't drop talking about assorted news topics and whatnot here, it'll just be less frequent. This'll become much more of a James Lileks blog than a Tim Blair blog. So there.

I'll probably retool how the site looks and all that. Because I want to. And this is my site now.