[Music| Phantom Planet - So I Fall Again]
According to my Simpsons 2002 Day-By-Day Calender, today is Arbor Day. There's a wood chipper outside my house, hastily chopping up discarded sticks. I saw someone throwing out a beautiful wood table on the bus ride. Kids were trying to knock the branches off trees today at recess. Happy Arbor Day.
When I was in second or third grade, five or six years ago, a kid stuck his head out a bus window to yell at some friends who just got off the bus. The bus driver didn't notice, and started to drive off from the stop. The boy's head hit a tree and detatched. Just days later, it was ordered that every tree in bus loading zones at public schools would be chopped down. My school has a big, beautiful oak tree in front of it. I remember sitting in circle, looking out the window, and seeing these workers prepare to chop it down. A couple kids in my class wanted to go out there and protest. There were already a few lonely protesters from the middle school outside protesting, but the number of protesters was equal to the number of workers. Soon, more and more middle schoolers came out and made signs and put them on the tree and whatnot. The news stations were called to come over. My teacher said that we couldn't go out there, but then Dawn, who was the principal at the time, got on the PA system and told everyone to go outside. The workers were rather dumbfounded. Soon, a good part of the lower portion of the tree was covered with signs and kids were surrounding the tree. Other kids were yelling at the workers, but staying peaceful. After a bit of this, the workers gave up and left. The tree was saved.
Call my school a "group of tree-huggers" (and people did) if you wish (even though the majority of the kids who were really protesting are long-gone), but chopping down trees doesn't keep kids from sticking their heads out windows. And at what point does it stop? Note that the kid who was decapitated stuck his head out the window at a stop, not in front of a school. I have always wondered, if they did chop down the trees in front of the school, when do they get to chopping down the No Parking signs that plauge the neighborhood?
Well, in the end they came up with a new plan of creating a new bus rule, extending the nine rules to ten: Bus windows may not be open over halfway. Most busses got a little red line inbetween the windows so kids could know how far half was (which is really quite a statement about the intelligence of America's youth, but sla). But I look up at this rule on the list of bus rules now, and wonder why it was nessicary. No, there haven't been any more decapitated kids. But there already was a rule meant to prevent kids from getting hurt by sticking body parts out the window: Do not stick your head, arms, legs or any other body part out the window. Of course, this rule was looked at, and some people pinned the blame on the bus driver for not realizing the kid had his head out the window. This was shortly before that one girl jumped out the emergency door because she had missed her stop, and she killed herself when she hit the road going at such speeds, and that brought even more bus driver blaming. But personally, in both situations, I pin the blame on the kids for being an idiots.
According to my Simpsons 2002 Day-By-Day Calender, today is Arbor Day. There's a wood chipper outside my house, hastily chopping up discarded sticks. I saw someone throwing out a beautiful wood table on the bus ride. Kids were trying to knock the branches off trees today at recess. Happy Arbor Day.
When I was in second or third grade, five or six years ago, a kid stuck his head out a bus window to yell at some friends who just got off the bus. The bus driver didn't notice, and started to drive off from the stop. The boy's head hit a tree and detatched. Just days later, it was ordered that every tree in bus loading zones at public schools would be chopped down. My school has a big, beautiful oak tree in front of it. I remember sitting in circle, looking out the window, and seeing these workers prepare to chop it down. A couple kids in my class wanted to go out there and protest. There were already a few lonely protesters from the middle school outside protesting, but the number of protesters was equal to the number of workers. Soon, more and more middle schoolers came out and made signs and put them on the tree and whatnot. The news stations were called to come over. My teacher said that we couldn't go out there, but then Dawn, who was the principal at the time, got on the PA system and told everyone to go outside. The workers were rather dumbfounded. Soon, a good part of the lower portion of the tree was covered with signs and kids were surrounding the tree. Other kids were yelling at the workers, but staying peaceful. After a bit of this, the workers gave up and left. The tree was saved.
Call my school a "group of tree-huggers" (and people did) if you wish (even though the majority of the kids who were really protesting are long-gone), but chopping down trees doesn't keep kids from sticking their heads out windows. And at what point does it stop? Note that the kid who was decapitated stuck his head out the window at a stop, not in front of a school. I have always wondered, if they did chop down the trees in front of the school, when do they get to chopping down the No Parking signs that plauge the neighborhood?
Well, in the end they came up with a new plan of creating a new bus rule, extending the nine rules to ten: Bus windows may not be open over halfway. Most busses got a little red line inbetween the windows so kids could know how far half was (which is really quite a statement about the intelligence of America's youth, but sla). But I look up at this rule on the list of bus rules now, and wonder why it was nessicary. No, there haven't been any more decapitated kids. But there already was a rule meant to prevent kids from getting hurt by sticking body parts out the window: Do not stick your head, arms, legs or any other body part out the window. Of course, this rule was looked at, and some people pinned the blame on the bus driver for not realizing the kid had his head out the window. This was shortly before that one girl jumped out the emergency door because she had missed her stop, and she killed herself when she hit the road going at such speeds, and that brought even more bus driver blaming. But personally, in both situations, I pin the blame on the kids for being an idiots.