
[Music| Disturbed - Down With The Sickness]

I'm hard at work. If you can call sitting on my bum listening to music "hard at work". Yesterday I started listening to all 1000 of my MP3s in alphabetical order by artist. Over three days of music. Just figured I'd let you people know.


[Music| Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces]

Checked the site stats. I'm going global. A while back I got a Brazilian visitor. Now I have a Canadian visitor and a British visitor. So welcome, Brazilians, Canadians and Britishians! And tell your friends!
[Music| American Hi-Fi - Another Perfect Day]

I swear this place won't die. I've just been a little busy recently. But now I'm on Spring Break, so I can return to posting little thoughts of mine and whatnot. And return to not having anybody actually caring.

I've been sick the last three days. Tired, dizzy, head ache, sore throat, stomach ache ... The whole enchilada. However, the good thing about this sickness (other than it extending my Spring Break by a day and a half) is that it's the last sickness of the winter. One last huge battle between my immune system and the Virus Terrorists (Al-Sneeza), and then it's done. Now a breif Spring comes, and then Minnesotans go back to complaining, this time about the heat. Minnesotans are nice folks, aren't very high-maintainence, but we complain all the time about the weather.

Went to McDo on Friday. One that we haven't gone to before. In Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. We were in a hurry. We got in there, waited in line (around 5 minutes) ordered (around 1 minute) and waited for our food (around 24 minutes). Come on. 30 minutes just to get food at McDonalds?! I've never had horrible service at McDonalds until last Friday, so I know this isn't too common, but still, someone could be in a hurry to catch the 8 PM showing of "Lord Of The Rings", dammit!

Which tells you why we were in a hurry. Saw "Lord Of The Rings" on Friday night, at one of those Super-Uper-Duper-Mega-Ultra-Beta-Plexes. 20 screens, and it's just over the river from my house. And allow me to mention that the place looks like a casino from the outside. And, Huzzah!, free Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites with the purchase of two large drinks and a popcorn! We got our assorted foodstuffs (despite just eating at McDonalds), and sat down just in time for the movie. Screw the previews ... Who needs 'em?! My brain was fully locked on to the movie when my dad opened the free box of Cookie Dough Bites and handed me one. I ate it, and nearly threw up. Horrible things, they are. No wonder they were giving them out for free.

Sat through "Lord Of The Rings". Checked my watch numorous times. The time kept getting later, yet the movie never seemed to age. By the end of the movie, I was, in one sense, wanting it to end so I could go home, and in another sense wanted it to keep going on because it was a good movie. Teaches me for going to the 8 PM showing.

Of course, now I'm obligated to seeing both sequels. Despite never seeing the sequels to Star Wars. Sla.